Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Mediator
Practicing in Santa Barbara, CA and over Zoom

Helping Individuals and Couples Live Deeply Connected Lives

I am dedicated to helping you explore and resolve emotional problems and intimate relationship difficulties so that you can feel more alive and connected to yourself and others.


  • Therapy

    Emotionally Focused Therapy for couples and individuals.

  • EMDR

    Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy to help individuals resolve trauma, PTSD, anxiety and depression.

  • Dream Therapy

    Dream imagery can unlock hidden aspects of self, such as hard to access emotions or even directions in your life. By working with your dream images, you will discover aspects of self that will add richness and new dimensions to your life. Dream imagery can also form the basis of an EMDR session, by using bi-lateral tapping on a disturbing dream image.

  • Conflict Resolution/ Mediation

    Conflict Resolution/Mediation for families, co-workers, or neighbors in conflict.